What is OpenLearn?

We have made explainer videos for the OU on topics ranging from nuclear physics to love poetry. This time, they asked us to create an animation promoting the OpenLearn offer itself.  


Course Promos

We love getting to grips with everything from Philosophy to Literature to Accounting when we work with the OU. We're currently creating trailers for a huge number of their courses. It's a brilliant project where we get to work in different styles for completely different audiences. The latest is on Virtue Ethics and provides you with a little Aristotelian wisdom and how to live a good life.



Patterns of Life

Following the success of our previous two series, the Open University asked us to create five animations exploring the mathematics found in nature. These popular guides feature icons such as Darwin and Turing brilliantly caricatured by one of our many illustrators. 

Critical Digital Literacy

There was much rejoicing in the DFM office when we won the commission for three videos on how we consume and share social media. The animations feature the hapless Frank and his online misadventures. 

Maths Archive

The OU asked us how we might use their heritage of nearly 50 years of amazing TV programmes to create fresh content. We took the challenge and created 8 of the fastest cut maths videos you'll ever see.