Animated Comics

We love working with Red Bull, who always encourage us to come up with new styles and approaches. Our work with Red Bull is all about getting lots of engagement on social media. Working with them, we came up with a series of animated comics. This style works brilliantly with or without sound, which means lots of views on social media!


Motor Sport Stories

Following the success of our first series of Motorsport videos, Red Bull asked us to create another series, this time on extreme motorsports. This one features avant-garde playwright, Samuel Beckett, naturally.

Motor Sport Stories

Our latest project for Red Bull showcases the many death defying motor sports they sponsor, from Formula 1 to Hard Enduro to the Dakar Rally. We worked with a comic book artist to create a Boys Own annual look. They were much loved by Red Bull's audience. 

Music Festival Stories

Red Bull asked us to create a series of videos for their music channel, telling the stories of various global music festivals. We encouraged them to tell the story of the Music Festival itself, from 60s to present day, which was really popular and a lot of fun to research.